Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The electronic publication of Oriental Institute Annual Reports is now complete

Announced 28 May 2013
The Oriental Institute Annual Report for years 1928, 1934, 1938-39, 1954-1959 are now available in the Acrobat Portable Document Format (pdf) . There are no Annual Reports for the intervening years. Links to its respective entries have been added to the homepages for numerous Institute archaeological and philological projects and departments. This completes the electronic publication of all Oriental Institute Annual Reports!

Oriental Institute Annual Reports 1928-1959
The print versions of the Oriental Institute Annual Report are available for members as one of the privileges of membership. They are not for sale to the general public. They contain yearly summaries of the activities of the Institute’s faculty, staff, and research projects, as well as descriptions of special events and other Institute functions.

For an up to date list of all Oriental Institute publications available online see:

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Video: Centenary of Benno Landsberger

American Oriental Society: Centenary of Benno Landsberger
Video recording of a special event titled "Centenary of Benno Landsberger" at the American Oriental Society in Atlanta 200th Annual Meeting, March 26, 1990.

Commemoration of the Centenary of Benno Landsberger (1890-1968), a scholar who made a seminal contribution to Assyriology and to the reconstruction of Mesopotamian history and culture. He was born in Austrian Silesia, studied in Leipzig(Germany) and held a position there until dismissed by the Nazi for being Jewish. He held a post in Ankara during the war and came to Chicago in 1945.

Civil, Miguel
Güterbock, Hans Gustav, 1908-2000
Jacobsen, Thorkild, 1904-1993
Kilmer, Anne Draffkorn
Merzbacher, Eugen
Sasson, Jack M.
For more on Benno Landcberger see also:

AS 16. Studies in Honor of Benno Landsberger on His Seventy-fifth Birthday, April 21, 1963. Edited by Hans G. Güterbock and Thorkild Jacobsen. Originally published in 1965